39 weeks– Update

For those of you who may be wondering if I had my baby and maybe that is why I am MIA… Nope… Still Prego. 39 weeks, 3 days. I had my appointment this morning. Here is the updated info:

Weeks: 39 weeks, 3 days

Weight Gain: 21lbs

Dilated: 3cm, 50-70% effaced

Symptoms: Lots of peeing.. over and over and over again. Frequent trips to the bathroom. Some cramping but feels mostly like BH contractions because my stomach isn’t getting hard and they feel mostly like period cramps. I am nesting like a crazy woman. This weekend I scrubbed my tile floors, scrubbed all 3 of my bathrooms from top to bottom, washed 4 loads of laundry, bathed both of my dogs (one is 80lbs and one is 120lbs) which was not an easy task, vacuumed my entire house twice (Again I have 2 dogs), set up the bassinet in our room, washed walls, washed windows, and did my usual house cleaning. My husband was like “What is wrong with you?” Haha I can’t help it. Other symptoms: Lots of pelvic pain, increased breast tenderness, hot flashes…

Well I have officially tried every single trick to induce labor besides castor oil which I refuse to do. There are too many mixed reviews about whether or not it is safe. No matter how bad I want this baby out, I will not risk anything. My midwife offered to induce me this week if I do not go on my own. She gave me the option of Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. I opted for Wednesday for several reasons: First, my favorite midwife is the one on call. Second, it will give me another 48 hours from the time she checked me to progress. Third, it seemed a little too rushed to opt for an induction in less than 24 hours! Do I have a little guilt for opting for an induction 2 days before my due date? Yes.. but I am miserable still throwing up and I am progressed enough that an induction shouldn’t be too hard on me. My midwife would not have offered one if she didn’t think I was ready. She also said that there is a good chance I may not make it to my induction date. We shall see. In the meantime, I am still working on pressure points, yoga ball bouncing and squats. The further along I am before I get induced the easier it will be. Wish me luck!

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